Membership in Hillside Bible Church is open to all persons regardless of race or color who give evidence of having been converted and who will subscribe to this church's Articles of Faith and By-laws (By-laws available upon request). Responsible membership involves support of the church in prayer, attendance, financial giving, and Christian service according to our ability.
Persons desiring to join this church shall be personally interviewed by the pastor, who will discuss the prospective member with the board of elders, who will report their decision to the administrative board for proper action.
Membership in Hillside Bible Church shall be terminated in the following ways: (a) death, (b) withdrawal, (c) letter of transfer, (d) dismissal. Persons who voluntarily absent themselves from the regular worship and teaching fellowship of this church for one year without good cause shall be dismissed from its membership provided that the delinquent member has had at least two visits by the elders of the church to encourage restoration of attendance. Persons charged with misconduct by the elders of this church shall be dealt with in accordance with Matthew 18:15-18 and 1 Corinthians 5:1-13 and may be dismissed if the misconduct is not terminated. Restoration can be effected by satisfactory evidence being presented that the charges are no longer valid and that a repentant spirit is evident.
Persons desiring to join this church shall be personally interviewed by the pastor, who will discuss the prospective member with the board of elders, who will report their decision to the administrative board for proper action.
Membership in Hillside Bible Church shall be terminated in the following ways: (a) death, (b) withdrawal, (c) letter of transfer, (d) dismissal. Persons who voluntarily absent themselves from the regular worship and teaching fellowship of this church for one year without good cause shall be dismissed from its membership provided that the delinquent member has had at least two visits by the elders of the church to encourage restoration of attendance. Persons charged with misconduct by the elders of this church shall be dealt with in accordance with Matthew 18:15-18 and 1 Corinthians 5:1-13 and may be dismissed if the misconduct is not terminated. Restoration can be effected by satisfactory evidence being presented that the charges are no longer valid and that a repentant spirit is evident.